Tips for Long-Distance Apartment Searches
Looking for an apartment outside Bangkok? Or are you a suburban dweller trying to move into the big city? The hunt can be really stressful especially if you have lived all your life in your current place. Here are a few simple steps that can help you in your search.
Looking for an apartment outside Bangkok? Or are you a suburban dweller trying to move into the big city? The hunt can be really stressful especially if you have lived all your life in your current place. Here are a few simple steps that can help you in your search.
1. Use your networks.
Talk to you friends, colleagues, or relatives that you are looking for a place. Get recommendations on areas to choose from. Obtain relevant information like the costs involved, accessibility, etc. Use the power of technology. Use social media to your advantage. It would be great to solicit opinions and suggestions not only from your friends, but those from the friends of your friends and relatives as well.
2. Engage in public discussion forum.
There are a lot of public discussion platforms where you can participate in. There are many people who are willing to share their experiences in moving to a certain place: what to avoid, most affordable rates, nearest shopping areas, and various stuff. It may be quite time-consuming to browse through them, but it is worth the time because the things they share are mostly first-hand information and experiences that can really help in decision-making.
3. Scout for neighborhoods first.
Before deciding on the apartment, you have to consider the neighborhood first. Make sure it is the kind of environment that will please you. Will it be near your place of work? Is the price range within your budget?
4. Research online.
Browse the local papers through real estate websites. Search for crime statistics; make some calls if necessary. Check the local transport system. Will it be easy for you to go around the place using a public transport?
5. Plan your visit
You should already have a few neighborhoods in mind before making an actual visit. Set aside a weekend for this activity. Take a friend or relative with you, if they are living near the area. It is, moreover, important to get help in going around a place you are not familiar with. You may stay in a hotel overnight to maximize your visit. But if getting there takes about only a few hours, then there is no need to get a room, as you may return again on another day. But make sure to plan the visits so you can make use of time efficiently and avoid additional expenditures.
6. Review your options before you decide.
Review your options. Create a list of priorities and base your decision on these. If you have difficulty choosing, take your time. But if you need to decide immediately, weigh your options, so that what you arrive at, satisfies your top criteria. Before making the huge decision, also make sure that you have assessed the reputation of the management firm or owner of the unit. Make some inquiries from local authorities and even from some people around the neighborhood. If you find anything that seems dubious, then go to the next one on your list. Before you sign any document, review everything very carefully and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Use e-mail or phone in corresponding to the managing company. It will be quite a hassle to turn your back once you have already inked the contract. So invest some time in studying and inquiring before you decide.